I guess that could be a response of a seriously indoctrinated person that managed to climb the corporate ladder all the way to the top position by his loyalty to corporate themes and willingness to take insane drastic action to fight sin where ever he finds it. Might classify as a psychosis brought on by delusions of grandour, being out of touch with reality and focusing on what his imaginary Jehoova find disgusting.
These concepts of the GB can lead to all sorts of screwy behavior, where even the sight of some handsome male Jehovah Witness wearing tight pants brings about a lusting and a shadow projection of a gay community plot in the fashion industry to get more eye candy. These guys are all spoon fed indoctrinated members expect their nuttiness to become even more pronounced. When all you got is a hammer to work with everything looks like a nail.
Disfellowshipping is the hammer, they have no healing tools in their bag of tricks so every things just looks like a nail.